Playing for


▶ Switch Charity

  • Round {{currenRoundNumber}}


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▶ How to Play


Current Standings
* Refer to Rules for a breakdown of the $70,000 prize package
Please Take a Quick
2013 Zurich Charity Cup Survey!
You have been identified as a Zurich employee. Upon exiting the web site, we would love to capture your feedback regarding the overall experience on this Charity Cup site as well as Zurich's contributions to community investment. Please answer the following 3 survey questions as best you can. We appreciate your feedback!
Question 1
Did the information on this charity cup web site increase your awareness of the charities that Zurich supports as well as the relationship Zurich holds with each charity?
Question 2
Since learning about each of the charities, how likely are you to get involved in Zurich's charitable giving program?
Question 3
After visiting the charity cup web site, did the information positively impact your perception of Zurich's commitment to community investment?